As I drove down Drury Lane, I pulled the car over in front of our old house. Over the past two years I travelled this route many times on the way to visit my dad at the nursing home. But this time was different; I realized I wouldn’t need to drive this route any more.
Although my dad’s recent death was expected, and even a relief, the reality and finality of it weighed heavily on me. The past two years I watched him slowly decline both mentally and physically from Alzheimer’s dementia. As hard as it was to see him suffering, I tried to be there for him as best I could. Thank God his suffering was now over.
The drive down Drury Lane this time was bittersweet as I remembered all the years we spent there as a family. Memories flooded over me, and I longed to be able to tell my dad one more time what a wonderful father he was. Although I knew in my head that my dad’s death was just the beginning for him of eternal life in heaven, I still felt deep sadness, as well as doubt and insecurity. Watching him approach the end of his life forced me to confront my own questions, doubts, and fears about death.
Several days later, at my dad’s funeral, the pastor shared a profound message that stayed with me. He encouraged us to consider what Jesus said to his disciples as he was preparing for his own death.
“ Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also” (John 14:1-3,ESV).
Jesus knew the insecurity and fear of his disciples and how they would struggle with his death and an uncertain future. And Jesus knows how we struggle in the same way. He reassured his friends then and reassures us now that death is not the end. He also gives us a peek into the future – a permanent residence in our Father’s House.
Even more amazing is that Jesus is eagerly anticipating our future with Him, and He is preparing our place! We can trust that He is custom designing our rooms, and that He promises to take us to be with Him.
Our home in heaven is wonderful to think about, but how do we cope with the stress and struggle of our life until we get to heaven? Is our home with Jesus a vision for the distant future only? Thankfully, no!
I was reminded of this truth the other day as my husband and I sat down to talk about future plans. We are approaching the “empty nest” years, and are considering career moves as well as house moves. All of this potential change and uncertainty has triggered fear in me. I believe that Jesus has a place for me after I die, but how does that help me right now?
Maybe the disciples were thinking the same thing because Jesus goes on to say,
“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you”(John 14:18,ESV) and
“If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him”(John 14:23,ESV, italics mine).
Jesus has not abandoned us to face this world on our own. He has given us His Holy Spirit to abide in us, to be our Helper, Comforter, and to prepare us for our eternal home. That truth fills me with hope, even as I grieve the loss of my dad, and face the many changes in my life.
So no matter where our earthly home is, or what trials come our way, we are not alone or abandoned!
Thank you Father, that you know your children long to feel secure and at home with You. Help us to live each day with peace, knowing your Holy Spirit is abiding with us. And may we step into the future with the joyful anticipation of the home You are preparing for us!